AirPure Air Purifier
 A major part of how healthy we are comes from how clean the air we breathe really is. Fumes from factories and automobile exhaust, and tons of other harmful gases are all around us. Now, consider this: most of our airborne toxins are inhaled while we’re inside because we spend most of our lives indoors. Whether it’s in offices, homes, schools or restaurants, it’s  important to be aware of what’s in that air you breathe most often.

Unclean air can cause respiratory problems, infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and viral infections, as well as irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. Other symptoms can include the reoccurrence of headaches, nausea, allergic reactions and serious long-term ailments. Sadly, the ones who suffer the most from unclean air are children. Respiratory problems in children are on the rise. On average, one out of every 10 school-age children have asthma and each year, 10.5 million school days are missed due to respiratory-related illnesses.

 Indoor air quality is a growing concern as modern homes are built to be airtight for energy efficiency. When ventilation is restricted, indoor air quality deteriorates. Bad air can trigger coughing, nasal and chest congestion, sore throat, watery or itchy eyes, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.

Smart lifestyle choices must go beyond diet and exercise, and extend even to the air we breathe. No matter how much we clean our homes with ordinary devices, we cannot rid the air completely of allergens and other airborne irritants that are trapped in carpets, curtains, furniture and upholstery. 


·         Dust, fibreglass, asbestos, formaldehyde – from building materials.

·         Toxic vapours, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – from domestic chemicals such as cleansers, solvents, pesticides, disinfectants and glues.

·         Gases, vapours, odours – gas emissions from furniture, carpets, paints and tobacco smoke.

·         Dust mites – trapped in carpets, fabric and foam chair cushions.

·         Microbial contaminants, fungi, mould and bacteria – from damp areas, stagnant water and condensation pans.

·         Ozone – from photocopiers, electric motors, electrostatic air cleaners.


AirPure Air Purifier is likely one of the few affordable and comprehensive air purifiers available. With four distinctive purification stages, AirPure Air Purifier has an air purifying efficiency up to 99.97%. AirPure Air Purifier has five speed levels; standby function of up to eight hours; and can be dimmed to give you the good night’s sleep you need. 

 The new Hybrid Prefilter now consists of a two-layer Prefilter element. The first layer is the current Silversan® foam Prefilter that works to eliminate common airborne bacteria and larger dust particles. The second layer is a proven electrostatically charged Hybrid Prefilter that will reduce common volatile organic compounds (VOCs), eliminate airborne bacteria and trap dust pollutants.

 The combination of the Prefilter elements into one Hybrid Prefilter now makes the AirPure Air Purifier even more effective with higher air purification performance.

  • Does not use UV light (UV has a proven negative effect on health) and does not emit ozone (also harmful to health).
  • Unique 4-stage air purification system delivers up to 99.97% pure air.
  • Removes any particulates including airborne bacteria such as Acinetobacter, Bacilli, Flavobacterium and Streptomyces. 
  • Energises the air in the room with the special Amezcua Air Filter manufactured in Switzerland and loaded with positive waves of natural air to energise and harmonise the room as well as you.  
  • Refreshing air.
  • Add in fragrance oil and let its scent diffuse gently throughout the room.

The AirPure Air Purifier is a certified allergy-friendly product by The European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation.

 Products carrying the Allergy-friend Quality Tested Seal have been tested and proven to be suitable for people with allergies and intolerances. 

  • Length: 380 mm
  • Width: 160 mm
  • Height: 415 mm
  • Weight: 4.92 kg
  •  AirPure Air Purifier Activated Carbon Filter and Hybrid Prefilter
  • AirPure Amezcua Air Filter

Before You Buy

·         Why do I need to purchase an air purifier?

Indoor air quality is a growing concern as modern homes are built to be airtight for energy efficiency. When ventilation is restricted, indoor air quality deteriorates. Bad air can trigger coughing, nasal and chest congestion, sore throat, watery or itchy eyes, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.


·         What does AirPure Air Purifier remove from the air?

It purifies and energies the air in 4 stages:

Stage 1: The Hybrid Prefilter consists of two layers. The first layer is coated with SilverSan® powder to effectively remove large dust particles and kills bacteria in the air. The second layer is electrostatically charged Hybrid Prefilter that will reduce common volatile organic compounds (VOCs), eliminate airborne bacteria and trap dust pollutants.

Stage 2: The HPP™ filter, filters out viruses, bacteria, fine dust, pollen, dust mite excretions, mould and fungi from the air.

Stage 3: The Activated Carbon Filter absorbs airborne gases and unpleasant odours

Stage 4: The exclusive Amezcua Air Filter energises and harmoninses the air.


·         What filters come with the AirPure Air Purifier?

The AirPure Air Purifier comes with superior filtration system that filters pollutants with four filters:

1.       Hybrid Prefilter

2.       HPP™ Filter

3.       Activated Carbon Filter

4.       Amezcua Air Filter


Stage 1: The Hybrid Prefilter consists of two layers. The first layer is coated with SilverSan® powder to effectively remove large dust particles and kills bacteria in the air. The second layer is electrostatically charged Hybrid Prefilter that will reduce common volatile organic compounds (VOCs), eliminate airborne bacteria and trap dust pollutants.

Stage 2: The HPP™ filter, filters out viruses, bacteria, fine dust, pollen, dust mite excretions, mould and fungi from the air.

Stage 3: The Activated Carbon Filter absorbs airborne gases and unpleasant odours

Stage 4: The exclusive Amezcua Air Filter energises and harmoninses the air.


·         Can I use the AirPure Air Purifier in an air-conditioned room?

Yes you can.

·         Even though I have been using the AirPure Air Purifier I don’t see any improvement in the air quality. Why?

There are several possibilities:


o   Please make sure the filters have been placed in the unit properly and in the right order: 1) Hybrid Prefilter, 2) HPP™ filter, 3) Activated carbon filter, 4) Amezcua air filter

o   The room in which the AirPure Air Purifier is in is larger than 40sq meters, which is the maximum size at which the AirPure Air Purifier can operate effectively

o   The nature of your room type – carpeted, lots of furniture etc

o   The room is being used by smokers, hence the lifetime of the filter is affected

o   The filters have reached the lifetime and therefore need to be replaced

o   The HPP™ filter needs to be washed


·         How do I use the different speed levels?

o   You can use any of the different speed levels based on your liking.  For example, if you’re sleeping or working in an office, you can put at Speed 1 or 2.

o   You can use Speed 3 to 5 when the room is full of dust or pollutants to clean the air faster, then drop down to a lower speed when the room atmosphere is back to normal.


·         AirPure Air Purifier cannot switch on.

o   Please check if the charging adapter is fitted correctly.  If charging adapter is faulty and is within the warranty period, please return to us for a new replacement.

·         AirPure Air Purifier automatically switches off, even though I have not set the 2, 4 or 8 hour timer.

o   As long as it is within the warranty period, please return to us for a new replacement.

·         The Backdoor Cover cannot close.

o   The AirPure Air Purifier Backdoor Cover is designed in such a way so ensure a complete air-tight lock without air leakage, when the unit is operating.  The second function of this door is a safety feature whereby, if the backdoor cover is not closed properly, the unit will not operate. 

·         How do I clean the HPP Filter?

o   Switch off the AirPure Air Purifier, open the Backdoor Cover, and remove the HPP™ Filter.

o   Use water and very light detergent to flush the HPP™ Filter to clear impurities that have build up by the trapped pollutants.

o   Then dry the HPP™ Filter completely either with any air blower or dry in sun for a few hours.  Please make sure that it is completely dry before replacing into the AirPure Air Purifier and operating again.

o   Constant cleaning of the HPP™ Filter will also maintain the air cleaning efficiency.  If you use the AirPure Air Purifier in areas of high air pollutants, you may want to clean the HPP™ Filter more frequently than the recommended 2 months interval.

Cleaning & Maintenance

·         Which filter(s) do I have to replace?

Out of the four filters, the Amezcua Air Filter, Hybrid Prefilter and Activated Carbon Filter needs to be replaced after

Amezcua Air Filter – to replace every 24 months of usage.

Hybrid Prefilter & Activated Carbon Filter – to replace after every 6 months of usage.  If the AirPure Air Purifier is operated nonstop, you may need to replace every 3 months interval.


The flickering red light is a simple indication for an AirPure Air Purifier user to remember to change the Hybrid Prefilter & Activated Carbon Filter.  This red light will flicker around 2160 hours, which is about 6 months assuming you used the AirPure Air Purifier for 12 hours daily.


·         How can I switch off the flickering light?

After you have replaced the filters, press the D/T button for about 5 seconds until you see the flickering light goes off.  This causes the system to reset to operate another 2160 hours until next change of filters.

·         What is the replacement period of my filters?

In total there are four filters in the AirPure Air Purifier:

1.       Hybrid Prefilter – 6 months

2.       HPP™ filter – lifetime. Recommended to be washed with water and some light detergent every 2 months.

3.       Activated Carbon filter – 6 months

4.       Amezcua air filter – 24 months


·         How do I reset my unit?

To reset the red flickering light, this is what you have to do.

After replacing the Hybrid Prefilter & Activated Carbon Filter, switch on the AirPure Air Purifier.  Then hold down the D/T button (on the top of unit) for about 5 seconds until the red flickering light goes off.

This will reset your AirPure Air Purifier to operate normally and the red light will again flicker when it is about time to replace the filters.



“My experience with AirPure is amazing! There was this one experience last year during Diwali where the pollution level was too much. We were worried about my son who has bronchitis and is asthmatic. We switched on the AirPure in the room and after one hour, the air in the room was much cleaner and purer and much healthier than in any other room. In fact, it was so easy to breathe that I live by this product. I switch it on every single day to enjoy this feeling.” - Jaspreet Banga, Banglore

Jaspreet AirPure Testimonial


“I have purchased the AirPure Air Purifier and I think it is one of the most amazing products of QNET. I love the filtration system because its filters and purifies the whole atmosphere of my home especially in the highly dusty days. I like the product, I like how efficient it is and how it improves the air in our home.” - Bassim, Jordan

Bassim AirPure Testimonial