Amezcua Bio Disc 2

Amezcua Bio Disc 2
The Next Level of Wellness

When the Amezcua Bio Disc was introduced to the world in 2006, it heralded a revolution in the way we were able to redefine and harmonise the energy of water, greatly maximising its positive affect on the human body. Over the years that followed, numerous independent scientific tests verified the Bio Disc’s ability to positively harmonise energy, while millions of satisfied customers from all over the world shared their own anecdotal evidence of the benefits of this innovative energy enhancer.

Today, representing the next level of wellness and the evolution of the world-renowned Bio Disc, the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 is set to again redefine the way in which we can harness and harmonise the energy of our drinking water.

Better, stronger easier and more effective, the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 is a new era in harmonised energy.


Seven wave-form rings
The Amezcua Bio Disc 2 has a greatly enhanced energy field, attributed to the seven wave-form rings on the disc’s surface. The seven ribbed rings speed up the biomolecular structure process of liquids poured over the disc, improving the biocompatibility of water molecules with your body more than ever before. The liquids are energised faster and more efficiently via the wave-form produced by the rings.

Biophoton Light
The Amezcua Bio Disc 2 increases luminescence, designed with Biophoton production in mind. Photons – the concept of the basic units of light developed by Albert Einstein – and their interaction within and on biological systems is a long established field of scientific study. The design of the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 takes advantage of this to enhance the energy of, and improve the taste of, your beverages; biophoton light can be generated by shining a 120-Watt LED light through the Amezcua Bio Disc 2.

It is well known that plants use energy from sunlight to make food in the process of photosynthesis, but plants are not the only living things that have a complex relationship with, and need for, light. If a human being is deprived of light, growth and biological function is rendered impossible.
Today, scientists across the world are using light energy to investigate the energies that propel, and likely even rule, cell life itself. This is sometimes referred to as Biophoton emission.

As the smallest physical units of light, biophotons are stored in, and used by, all biological organisms – including your body. The research on the purpose of these biophotons is proving more and more important in modern science, and they may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body – including supporting your body’s ability to function.


Heat and impact resistance
The Amezcua Bio Disc 2 has a higher resistance to heat and impact, which allows it to retain good physical strength properties even after prolonged exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions. The durability, longevity and usability have been greatly enhanced from that of its predecessor.

Bio Disc Shield
Each Amezcua Bio Disc 2 comes with a high-quality silicone rubber shield to protect it in everyday use. Combined with the disc’s enhanced durability and impact resistance, this Amezcua accessory reduces the risk of potential breakages or damages without affecting the energy properties of the disc.


Flat-base design
A new fusion moulding process creates a user-friendly flat-base design in the Amezcua Bio Disc 2, making it a reliable and stable base for your beverage containers. Such an improvement to the disc’s functional design means that your drinks – whether in a container, glass, cup, bottle or even a jar – are able to stand on the disc more steadily than before.

Bio Disc 2  
Description Round Clear Glass
Diameter 90 mm
Thickness 10 mm
Bio Disc Shield
Description Silicone Rubber
Diameter 96 mm
Thickness 19.13 mm

Care Instructions for the Amezcua Bio Disc
The Amezcua Bio Disc is made of glass and is fragile and breakable; handle with care. Exposing the Amezcua Bio Disc to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, may cause it to crack or break. Do not place the Amezcua Bio Disc in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator.


  • Feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • Drink water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 to increase your harmony and energy levels.
  • Facilitate transfer of nutrients and enhance the biocompatibility of water to get more out of your water.
  • Decrease energy imbalances and redistribute pooled energy in your body.

• Run water over the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 to instantly enhance your water.

• Place your drink on top of the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 to energise your drinking water.

• For an improved absorption rate, place your containers of creams and cosmetics on top of the Amezcua Bio Disc 2.

• Carry the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 with you to improve your harmony and energy levels.

• Water your plants with water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 to energise and assist them in their water and nutrient uptake.

• Wash your fruit and vegetables with water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 to energise and keep them fresh longer.

• Put the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 in your refrigerator to boost the quality and taste of your food and water.

• Shine a 120-Watt LED light through the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 onto your food or beverages to enhance their taste.




Disc 2
Lifestyle Set

Chi Pendant

Energy Shell

The National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (University ITMO)


Decreased Energy Imbalances in Human Body; Positive Effect Over Water            

Positive Effect Over Water


Electrochemical Quality Consulting Corporation (EQC,)


Positive Effect On Beverages            
Positive Effect On Food            
Institute of Electrophotonic Germany Positive influence over Human Body    
Positive influence on Water        
Positive influence on Food            
Centre for Biofield Sciences India Positive Effect Over Human Body          
Balances Chakras and Energy Centres in Human Body          
Dr med. Michael Kucera Czech
Increased Energy and Harmony Levels in Human Body          
Decreased Stress Levels in Human Body          
PROGNOS, MedPrevent GmbH & Co Germany Positive Energy Fields        
Dr. med. Manfred Doepp Germany Improve Energy Medical Criteria            
Reduced Impact of Perturbing Technical Radiation            
Increased Energy Levels in Water and Human Body        
Protection Against
Positive Energy Field
Positive Effect on Beverage            
Positive Effect on Food            
Dr. med. Paul-Gerhard Valeske Germany Protection Against Electrosmog            
IAF - Radioökologie GmbH


Radiation safety

Justus Liebig University of Giessen


Radiation safety          
National Environment Agency


Radiation safety

PSB Laboratory Singapore Water Surface Tension Value          
I.H.M. Institute Japan Energy Levels in Water and Water Quality            


Manufacturing Quality



Electrochemical Quality Consulting Corporation (EQC)


Electrochemical Quality Consulting Corporation, Germany

The Electrochemical Quality Consulting Corporation (EQC) is a laboratory specialising in electrochemical measurements on food, soil and compost. Recently and notably, the company obtained results about the immediate connection between redox potential in the soil and the redox potential of the products grown on that ground. All these measurements are an indication that the quality of food and beverages can be verified by means of redox potentials.

The redox value shows the relation between oxidation and reduction, which means how many electrons are taken up, and conversely, released. The lower the redox value in foods and beverages, the higher the quality of foods and beverages to help improve your body’s inherent order and provides more electrons to neutralise free radicals. Moreover, the lower redox value means the lowering oxidation potential of food and drinks, which helps increase the shelf life of your groceries and boost the quality and taste of your foods and beverages.

Positive Effect On Beverages
The measurements taken by EQC show that a reduction of the redox value within the Amezcua DRINK was visible, which can be thermodynamically seen as positive.

Positive Effect On Food
Test results conducted by EQC also show that the Amezcua EAT can lower redox value, which can be thermodynamically seen as positive.



Institute of Electrophotonic
Institute of Electrophotonic, Germany

The Institute of Electrophotonic is engaged in the activity and the further development of the measuring method of Electro Photonic Captor (EPC) / Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV). Wadim Säidow, Head of the Institute, physicist and basic researcher, collaborates with the Technical University Berlin, the Charité Berlin, the REHA Clinique Berlin, the European University Potsdam, the Institute of Chemistry of the University Ljubljana, the Technical University St. Petersburg, the Lomonosov University Moscow, and other institutions.

Positive Influence Over Human Body and Water

Tests run by the EPC (GDV) camera and the EPC (GDV) – Fifth Element included placebo comparisons to take measurements of water and the human body state. Tests for both products were affirmative to positive energy influences on the human body and water.


Centre for Biofield Sciences
Centre for Biofield Sciences, India

The Centre for Biofield Sciences (CBS) promotes a sustainable preventative healthcare model, where naturopathic information medicine is selected as a preferred approach to health care. The Centre focusses on bio-energetic research and its scientists and doctors research and train in technologies and techniques designed to rebalance the disharmony that can lead to disease in the physical and mental bodies. The Centre utilises modern holistic technologies, such as Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP), the Electro-scanning method (ESM), and Bio-energetic stress testing (BEST), GDV (Gas Discharge visualization), RFI (Resonant Field Iamaging); all enabling the integrated therapist to find the root cause of disease and therefore the most precise route to health.

Positive Effect Over Human Body; Balances Chakras and Energy Centres in Human Body

Tests were carried out to determine the effect of the Amezcua Bio Disc and Amezcua Chi Pendant over the human body, and the efficacy of the products in balancing energy centres. The tests were double-blind, and placebo control groups were utilised. The tests revealed that both products are very effective methods of energising and balancing the human bio field, decreasing energy imbalances, and redistributing pooled energy.

It was also noted that during experiments with the Amezcua Chi Pendant, the changes witnessed were particularly fast and positive. Further, test results of the Amezcua Bio Disc indicated that the product has a “profound positive effect on individuals at energy level”.


Dr med. Michael Kucera
Dr med. Michael Kucera

Dr Kucera is an internationally active medical doctor from the Czech Republic who is responsible for introducing the potential of Mitochondrial Medicine as a basic therapeutic tool. Dr Kucera monitors the efficacy of the therapy by heart frequency variability measurement. Dr Kucera was awarded the International Mitochondrial Medicine Association (IMMA) Prize in 2000.

Increased Energy and Harmony Levels in Human Body; Decreased Stress Levels in Human Body

A preliminary observational study indicated that when wearing the Amezcua Chi Pendant or drinking water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc, users experienced reduced sympathetic activity of the nervous system, thereby reducing tension, increasing reserves of stress adaptation capabilities, increasing parasympathetic activity, and increasing energetic reserves. The test also showed a harmonising effect in cooperative relation between sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system; this improves regulatory and adaptation mechanisms. Dr Kucera also showed that after one week of not using the Amezcua Bio Disc or the Amezcua Chi Pendant, the benefits to the users’ cardiovascular function, regulatory systems and stress levels fell back to near default values.

Individuals involved in the tests manifested reduced symptoms, including better sleep, reduced tension, improved psycho-emotional disorders, and increased energy activities.


PROGNOS, Germany

PROGNOS is a diagnostic and therapy system based on traditional medicine that uses a painless method to create a picture of the energetic state of the body. This is measured through the subject’s meridian system, which is the energy course of the human body. PROGNOS and its manufacturer, MedPrevent, have been accredited with EC and ISO certifications by the EUROCAT Institute for Certification and Testing.

Positive Energy Fields

PROGNOS machine tests show that the Amezcua Bio Disc, Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc, Amezcua Chi Pendant, Amezcua Energy Shell, and Amezcua Straw Tube all possess a positive energy field. Test results also showed that after drinking water treated with these products or when wearing the Amezcua Chi Pendant, the user’s energy levels were increased and the disharmony of their meridian system was thereby reduced.

Example of the Amezcua Bio Disc PROGNOS test results:

The user’s energy levels were increased and the disharmony of their meridian system was thereby reduced from 48% to 34%.


Dr med. Manfred Doepp

Dr med. Manfred Doepp, Germany

Dr med. Manfred Doepp is a member of the Board of the German Society for Energy and Information Medicine e.V., Stuttgart. He is also a reviewer of the International Society on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, as well as the International Society on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies.

Improved Energy Medical Criteria; Reduced Impact of Perturbing Technical Radiation

The Amezcua E-Guard has been scientifically tested using meridian diagnostics and segmentary diagnostics to assess the bio-energetic, bio-informational, bio-functional and bio-colloidal effects. A positive result was significantly and reproducibly demonstrated, noting that the Amezcua E-Guard helps improve energy medical criteria such as energy, information, functional and sol-gel state and reduces the impact of perturbing technical radiation on the organism.

Increased Energy Levels In Water and Human Body

The effects of the Amezcua Bio Discs, the Amezcua Energy Shell, and the Amezcua DRINK on the quality of water and the bioenergetic state of the human body were tested by Dr med. Manfred Doepp at the Holistic Center in Germany, using meridian diagnostics.

The test results show that the Amezcua Bio Discs, the Amezcua Energy Shell, and the Amezcua DRINK have a successful operational area in the energetic-informational treatment of liquids and water containing nutrients. Water treated with the Amezcua Bio Discs, the Amezcua Energy Shell, and the Amezcua DRINK also has an increased level of energy and harmony.

Protection Against Electrosmog

Electrosmog is the negative effect of electromagnetic fields created by electronic equipment in our environment such as mobile phones, computers, lightings, air-conditioners and other electrical appliances. The meridian diagnostics test shows that the Amezcua Chi Pendant and the Amezcua MOVE is able to neutralise the negative effects of electrosmog, as well as improve and harmonise the energy levels of the user.

Positive Energy Fields

The tests conducted by Dr Doepp show that the Amezcua Bio Discs, Amezcua Chi Pendant, Amezcua Energy Shell, and Amezcua Lifestyle Set possess a positive energy field. Test results also reveal that when the Amezcua Bio Discs, the Amezcua Chi Pendant, Amezcua E-Guard and the Amezcua MOVE are held, the holder’s energy and harmony levels show a significant increase.

Positive Effect On Beverages

Based on the test results conducted, the Amezcua DRINK helps improve energy and harmony, while also balancing the bodily autonomous systems that are suffering from stress.

Positive Effect On Food

The energy tests show that the Amezcua EAT is able to influence nutrients found in food to improve energy and harmony, while also balancing the bodily autonomous systems that are suffering from stress.


PSB Laboratory

PSB Laboratory, Singapore

PSB test reports are widely recognised by manufacturers, third-party buyers, and government authorities in Singapore. Its laboratories are also accredited under the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SINGLAS) to ISO 17025.

Water Surface Tension Value

Results show that after treatment by the Amezcua Bio Disc, Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc, Amezcua Energy Shell, and Amezcua Straw Tube, the surface tension value of the treated water has come close to that of pure water. The change in surface tension value renders the water more bioavailable, thus improving the compatibility of water molecules with the body’s cells. It also means that treated water carries detergent thoroughly into materials, again due to its surface tension value being close to that of pure water. This means a more efficient and effective washing of your laundry or dishes, allowing you to reduce the amount of detergent used. With less detergent used, wastewater discharged from the washing machine is more environmentally friendly.


I.H.M. Institute

I.H.M. Institute, Japan

The I.H.M. Institute in Japan was founded by Dr Masaru Emoto, a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Dr Emoto achieved international acclaim through his extensive research of water around the world. He is also the President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation.

Energy Levels in Water and Water Quality

Research has revealed a correlation between the formation of water crystals and the quality of water, in terms of the degree of pollution. In recent I.H.M. Institute research, it became clear that energy could affect the formation of water crystals. Thus, the water crystal formation reflects not only physical but also informational or energetic aspects of water. Water samples with a good balance of minerals and energy tend to produce beautifully formed crystals.

A water crystal experiment conducted at the Institute showed water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc produces beautiful and good water crystals, compared to normal distilled water. The treated water was found to have less ’depressed’ water crystals.

*Authorisation Number 080320702. Copyright © 2008 by Office Masaru Emoto, LLC.




“I started this wonderful journey in 2009. The Amezcua Chi Pendant was my first purchase. The way the Chi Pendant works is absolutely amazing, particularly in today’s hectic lifestyle where we are exposed to all kinds of pollution. However, after wearing the Chi Pendant over a month, my immune system is stronger and enhanced. I become more energised. I later purchased the Amezcua Bio Disc for my family and they really love it. The breakthrough technology of the Amezcua wellness products are proven to bring a positive effect on its user’s health and well-being. It is something that can be explained scientifically; however, you should experience its tremendous benefits by yourself and share your testimonial with your family and friends. I recommend you to regularly check your Virtual Office so that you can get updates on the special promotion of QNET products. Don’t miss your chance to grab one for yourself.”

    - Dhanesh Gopalakrishnan, India
“The Amezcua Bio Disc is my favourite product. It the best-selling product! ”

    - Nur Aisyah Said Ali, Malaysia

“I have been using the Amezcua Bio Disc for almost three months now. To be honest, I initially purchased it for business’ purpose – not for personal use. However, after my Upline informed me how good the product was and how it could bring a difference to my health and well-being, I simply trusted him and started using it – always drinking only water treated with the Bio Disc and carrying it with me wherever I go. Most significantly, it helps improve my energy levels!”

    -Jay Krishnan R, India

“I was introduced to this unbelievable business opportunity by one of my cousins. After listening to its concept, I promptly signed up in two minutes. My first purchase was the Amezcua Bio Disc. After using it for a few days, I noticed a greater improvement in my health. It can truly make a difference in your life and this can be sensed by those who have experienced the product itself. By drinking water treated with the Bio Disc, I feel invigorated and energised.”

    - Kshitij Hardas, India

“My favourite QNET products are the Amezcua products. I was introduced to Amezcua four months ago. My entire family uses Amezcua because we have witnessed its fantastic results. I recommended it to my relatives and friends.”

    - Maheshkumar Narhare, India


Q: What is the difference between Amezcua, Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM and Veloci-Ti products?
A: Amezcua is a harmonised energy product line that provides a variety of body and water energisers. By using a nano-engineered minerals and fusion technique, Amezcua products are designed and tested to enhance the natural properties of water as well as the human body’s energy systems, to protect you from e-smog and to increase your harmony and energy levels every day.

Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM is a selection of natural energy jewellery that combines the natural energy of ancient quartz crystals, with the quality of precious materials through a unique crafting technique. The natural energy is transferred from the crystal to the wearer, to contribute to an increase and balance in the wearer’s energy levels and to restore the body’s equilibrium.

Veloci-Ti is a range of energised titanium performance pendants that unite style with cutting-edge Informational Energy Imprinting, called IEI Technology, to help everyone experience improved physical performance, agility, strength, resistance, endurance, and focus. It is particularly beneficial to physically active people and professional athletes who need to excel in sporting activities, or who need more energy and endurance to perform.

Q: Should I wear my Amezcua Chi Pendant, Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM pendant or Veloci-Ti pendant while I am sleeping?

A: You should not wear these energy pendants when you are sleeping because the energy frequency from the pendant may interfere with your natural sleeping pattern.

Q: Will the energy presented in Amezcua, Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM or Veloci-Ti products be crashed by the certain types of magnetic field?
A: The electromagnetic fields created by electronic equipment such as mobile phones, microwave ovens, security gates, etc., does not affect the energy of these products. However, very strong industrial magnets might disturb the energy of the products.

Q: Could the effect of Amezcua, Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM and Veloci-Ti products interfere with the transmission of electronic devices?
A: No, these products do not interfere with the normal functioning of electronic devices.

Q: Can I use Amezcua, Himalaya Crystal CollectionTM or Veloci-Ti products as medical devices?
A: These energy products should not be considered as medical devices, or as alternatives to professional medical devices, or intended as a substitute for professional medical opinion and/or a cure, or as a substitute for any medical treatment of any nature whatsoever. You are advised to seek your own professional medical advice in the event you have any doubts in connection with the use of these products prior to their use. Should you experience any contraindication of any nature whatsoever or feel that you may, you should immediately consult your medical practitioner, physician and seek professional medical advice.

Q: Are there any known side effects I may encounter after using these energy products?
A: It depends on the individual. Some people may experience slight discomfort during a short adjustment period. If you feel major discomfort, stop using the product and consult your health practitioner.

Q: How are the Himalayan Crystals formed?
A: Himalayan Crystals are formed from the fiery gases and minerals that are forced upward from the Earth’s molten core. Penetrating the mantle, or crust, the gases meet solid rock that forces them to cool and solidify. This is usually a slow and gradual process. It is a continual metamorphosis as a result of eons of geological change. Because they contain a record of Earth’s development spanning millions of years and an indelible imprint of the powerful forces that formed our planet, crystals are considered by many as the Earth’s DNA.

Q: What is the difference between Himalayan Crystals and other crystals?

A: Himalayan Crystals have been exposed to nature’s elements longer than other crystals so they have enhanced higher natural energy reserves over other crystals.

Q: What are the benefits of Amezcua and Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM pendants to my body?
A: These energy products create a positive vibration that helps increase and harmonise your overall body energy levels.

Q: Where are the Amezcua Chi Pendant, Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM and Veloci-Ti products manufactured and energised?
A: The Amezcua Chi Pendant is manufactured and energised in Germany. Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM products are manufactured in Thailand by a 100% German-owned reputed jewellery manufacturer. The crystals used are hand mined and individually selected from the peaks of the Himalayas in Nepal, 3000 metres above sea level. Veloci-Ti products are manufactured in Germany and energised in Austria.

Q: Why is the price of Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM products higher than Amezcua or Veloci-Ti products?
A: Himalayan Crystal CollectionTM has a higher retail price than Amezcua and Veloci-Ti products because of its following special properties:

  • Rare and difficult crystal sourcing
  • Unique crystal refining process
  • High-skill, labour-intensive crafting
  • Precious metal and diamonds (18K Gold; 925 Sterling Silver; SSI, H Diamonds)
  • Exclusive patented crafting technique

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